Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How adults can kill creativity

Gifted and Talented students can be very inquisitive about the world around them. They will often go about finding answers about the world and about themselves in very creative manners. If we attempt to conform these students and make them do everything how we see as the "normal" way, it can hinder their abilities and not allow them to develop in their natural way. Listed are a few ways that adults often "kill" a students creativity so they should be avoided when possible.

  • Teaching a student to think that there is just one right way to do things - This can discourage the student to try new ways of doing things (27).
  • Pressuring students to be realistic and to stop imagining - Labeling dreams as "silly" brings the student down with a bang and can permanently kill their inventive nature (27).
  • Making comparisons with other children - This pressure to conform takes away the students creativity and freedom to make the dicision to conform or not on his or her own (27).
  • Discouraging a student's curiosity - Creativity is a major indicator of creativity and when we brush questions off because they seem "silly," it is discouraging their creativity (27).

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